Live Your Values

Sign up today to learn how to start a digital business and create a better future
for you and your family!

Change Your Life



Join a community founded on integrity, mutual respect and support, and learn how to run a digital business that aligns with your values.

Embrace a lifestyle that allows you to put family first, set your own hours, and earn extra income from anywhere in the world.


Family First


As a single mom who migrated to America, I faced immense challenges and struggles in trying to build a better life for myself and my family. I understand the pain of starting over with nothing but determination and faith in Jesus. My journey has taught me the importance of resilience, hard work, and the value of having a support system. Through JAMY Remote Ventures, I want to offer people ESPECIALLY other single moms the same opportunity for financial independence and work-life balance that I fought so hard to achieve. This business is my way of giving back and helping others like me to thrive and succeed, all while being there for their families.

If you want to know how I did it, just ask me - I am here to support and uplift you on your own journey towards a brighter future.

Hi, I'm Julia

Julia Williams

I am so blessed that because of this business, I was able to stay home with my 3 kids after my maternity leave!

We love that we can do this business part-time and still spend precious time with our children and grandchildren!


Chris & Karen


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*As with any business, results will vary and cannot be guaranteed. All Rights Reserved.

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“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." (Col 3:23)

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